Become A Sponsor
A Badazz Conference For Badazz Sponsors

An Audience Like No Other
The International Keepers of the Peace Conference is the first conference of its kind, designed specifically for first responders.
This April, 1,000 active duty and retired police officers, firefighters, EMTs, military, corrections, probation, parole, and federal men and women will gather in San Antonio, TX, for the Keepers of the Peace Conference.
The conference offers a safe space for the first responder community to expand their horizons and apply their servant leadership skills to business, finance, health and fitness, and more. Want to connect with some serious service and leadership skills? Look no further.
Not all first responders are in a position to attend this conference, although it could positively impact their lives.
Your purchase of a sponsorship will allow a first responder to attend for FREE!
• Exhibitor booth at the conference
• Full-page ad in the conference program
• Six cadet level passes to the conference
• Ten complimentary passes to the Chief’s Networking Lounge
• Prominent logo recognition on general session screen between sessions
• Opportunity to address attendees at a general session to promote your business or organization
• Opportunity to place your banner in the general sessions area
• Logo on the homepage of the conference app
• Exhibitor Booth at the conference
• Half page ad in the conference program
• Two cadet level passes to the conference
• Two complimentary passes to the chief’s networking lounge
• Logo recognition on general session screen between sessions
• Logo on attendees page of the conference Whova app
• Two cadet level passes to the conference
• Quarter page ad in the conference program
• Logo recognition on general session screen between sessions
• Logo on the agenda page of the conference app
• One cadet level pass to the conference
This is a pay it forward sponsorship opportunity. Unfortunately, there are many First Responders that are not in a financial position to attend this conference. Give the gift of a ticket and we will ensure the First Responder receiving your gift knows who was responsible for making his/her attendance possible. Thank you for helping us ”serve those who serve”.